When: Wednesday December 11th 2019 Starting at 6:30 PM
Where: University Golf Club, 5185 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC.
As many of you know I embarked July 2nd of this year in my new All Electric Audi E-tron on a 63 day, 23,000 KM journey from Victoria BC all the way to Newfoundland and then traveled back through the USA as shown on the map above.
It was a tribute to my late wife Mary Ann, a trip we were going to do together. Mary Ann’s Electric Drive turned out to be a trip of a life time and I would like to share some of the highlights of the drive through a video and slide presentation. Of course I’ll be talking a bit about the challenges of charging, how the Audi performed and other related topics .
As part of this event there will be some appetizers and light food fare, draw prizes from Audi and other contributors.

In tribute to Mary Ann and the reason the drive was named for her I want to continue to support Dr. Honey’s important work which is Mary Ann’s favorite Charity.
19 years ago Dr. Chris Honey performed lifesaving emergency brain surgery to repair a ruptured brain aneurism. Mary Ann recovered successfully from her surgery without any resulting disabilities. She showed her appreciation by donating to Dr. Honey’s research every year as well as making a legacy donation about a month before she passed away.
Mary Ann & I, Bryce Canyon, Utah 2015
There is no cost to this event however I’m kindly asking for donations with a minimum recommended amount of $50.00.
100% of all funds collected are to the Vancouver General Hospital Foundation and directed specifically to Dr. Chris Honey’s Research on a variety of treatments and cures for Parkinson’s and a various other brain disorders. For more info on Dr. Honey’s research you can go to his website drhoney.org .
I’m extremely pleased that Dr. Honey will be attending this event and will do a talk on his research.
Dr. Honey is making great strides and incredible breakthroughs by discovering new surgical techniques through his research. As a result patients from around the world are benefiting and experiencing a better quality of life.

To make a donation please go to http://vghfoundation.ca/mary_anns_electric_drive You will receive an official tax receipt from the VGH Foundation.
Of course many of you are from other parts of Canada and more than likely not able to attend however it would be still be greatly appreciated if you can support this fund raising event by making a donation of any amount.
I am creating a calendar with the a few of the best photos from each of the ten provinces plus the photos shown above of the wheel dips in Pacific and the Atlantic. With every donation I’ll mail you a calendar of Mary Ann’s Electric Drive. The slide and video presentation will be up on my Youtube channel right after the following day of the event.
Your support is greatly appreciated and on behalf of the VGH Foundation and Dr. Honey I sincerely thank you!
Please RSVP to; hsoicher@telus.net For more info please feel free to contact me.
Looking forward to seeing you at UGC on the 11th of December.