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My 1st Electric Drive: Vancouver to Whistler, Return. June 28th


Updated: Jun 30, 2019

Check out the Polarsteps App. Very Cool!

Today I thought it was a good idea to take my new Audi E-tron on a test trip to get used to the car, figure out all the controls, enjoy a new experience in my new Audi Electric Car. Just as important was figure out how Polarsteps works so I'll have a good idea how to use it once I start Mary Ann's Electric Drive.

I accomplished all this and more as I made a special visit to an old friend, did a delivery and showed off the car to some close friends while I was up at Whistler. This Blog post is important as it will show you how easy it is to follow the trip. You can do it two ways:

1. Create an account on Polarsteps or by going to :

2. Simply click on the link I will be posting for the Whistler Trip or Mary Ann's Electric Drive. Here is the link for yesterday's trip to Whistler : No need to set up an account.

For Mary Ann's Electric Drive which will start on Tuesday July 2nd , I can only post the link once the trip is started. So on July 2nd simply go to the Bloge Website and You will see the link under the Polarsteps catagory: In the mean time check out the above link so you can see what this app does. You will be impressed and what's great is if you do create your own account you will be able to create your own trips and follow friends and families trips as well, including Mary Ann's Electric Drive !!

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